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C92RU Mozambique

C92RU StatisticsAccording to their stats on Club Log, of C92RU’s 43,971 contacts from Mozambique:

68% were Digital (FT8)
28% were CW
4% were Phone

C92RU Online Log at Club Log

Think I’ll pass on any donation and let the FT8ers carry the load on this DXpedition.


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5 Responses

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  1. Tony KG4TAH says

    This is such a shame…..all the time I see and hear of people bickering about the bands being dead and no DX but if you tune into the FT8 frequencies they are full of DX. I dabbed into the world of FT8, specifically 30 meters, and within a week I had WAS. My sense of an actual accomplishment was lacking to say the least. I just don’t get it. No thrill, No fun, No personalization, just click and log. I will not donate to any Dxpedition that feel the need to cater to FT8 and only operate that way. Its killing the fun for those of us who love phone.

  2. Gary says

    FT8 is just another mode, one that happens to be popular at the moment given such lousy condx. Its weak signal capability makes it easier to work DX than on phone or CW, and concentrating the activity in a few kHz of bandwidth creates wateringholes similar to the calling frequencies on VHF/UHF. That said, FT8 QSOs are mostly as boring as texting on a cellphone: it’s not good for chatting … but then how often would you chat to a DXpedition?

  3. A.J. says

    It’s a great way to get a free vacation. Turn on FT8 go to the pool and watch the money come in to pay for your Holiday. No sweating or losing your voice.

  4. Ted Lewis says

    Our buddy Bruce Gary past away on Easter Sunday. Had along illness with one leg not passing blood to his foot. Gary’s call was W6BWG He will be missed by many. He new so much about ham amplifiers. He forgot more than most new about amps. Rest in peace old buddy!
    Ted Lewis. K6Ted 818-881-6193

    • N0UN says

      Ted, I heard this about a week ago. What a knowledgeable and fun guy. Best memory hitting the hooch at Visalia with Bruce and the gang a few years ago! Rest easy Big Guy. Lump

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