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FT8 – Lazy, Computer Scripted “Crapola”

Say No To FT8FT8 = Lazy, Computer Scripted “Crapola”.

Since 2017 THIS is the “new” Ham Radio DXer. No skill required. Set your computer, go to dinner, come back after dessert and claim your DXCC “Participation Trophy“.

Look at the first few days of T22T and their 19K Q’s in the log:

T22T Tuvalu Log

How embarrassing. For both the DXpedition AND the new TXTer (oh sorry, I meant DXer).  No hello’s, no goodbye’s, no speaking, no Morse Code CW skills, hell – no human communications whatsoever. Not a single CW or Phone Q. 19 thousand Q’s, and not a single one!

From their Press Release: “Rebel DX Group has given a quick update on their upcoming T22T – Tuvalu DXpedition. QRV from September 21 to October 9, 2023. 10 x stations on air simultaneously; CW (2 stations), SSB (1 station), FT8 (7 stations). WSJT-X software will be used on F/H mode. QSL via OQRS, LoTW.”

I guess the lure of lazy is just too much to actually operate Phone & CW on DXpeditions anymore. For both sides.  Lazy is, as lazy does.

Thank God there’s still a few real DXers left that actually communicate via Human Modes!

See you fellow humans on the airwaves!


Spread the love!

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8 Responses

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  1. Henry VIII says

    Were you not part of this Rebel Group a few years ago? I remember N0UN fundraising for Rebel Bouvet operation before it failed. Why did you leave this group?

    • N0UN says

      I co-founded the Rebel DX Group. Even acquired the domain name & built the Website early on. I turned it all over and stepped away when the 2019 3D2CR DXpedition ran almost 90% FT mode from Conway Reef. I don’t care to be associated with the lazy, computer scripted & automated text messaging mode(s) – on either side.

  2. Alan NE2X says

    I am not a Fan of FT-8…It is a very NON-personal way of communicating. Communicating isnt even the right word as its too generous for this mode….I am old school Amateur Radio passed the 5 wpm morse code and passed my Extra at age 16.. Started out building my own transmitter, Heathkit DX-60B and VFO and a National Radio 188 strictly 75 watts as a novice, loved Morse code…Built my own antennas all at the age of 14/15 years old..I like the digital modes such as Packet back in the late 80’s…FT-8 destroys the core of what Ham radio started out for…

  3. Tom says

    I have been spending more time on CW as of late rather than taking the easy route and operating FT8.

    Gonna be leaving KH0 land next year for a continent FILLED with fantastic DXing countries. Politically unstable? Yes. Dangerous? Of course? It’s all about the DX though, right? I’m currently awaiting their licensing authority to process my application. I guarantee you don’t have my next location on all bands. As an ode to CW enthusiasts, the suffix of the callsign I have requested ends in “CW”.

    Hopefully I will drive the FT8 boys nuts next year when I operate only CW for extended periods of time before lowering my standards & doing a little FT8………Two faced? Well, maybe. Hihi.
    Tom KH0/KH0W

  4. N0UN says

    I can’t wait! I’ll be looking for you Tom!

  5. Alan NE2X says

    I have had some time to really think about this form of “Communication”…..It all started with the FCC dropping the code portion of the requirements for a License….This let “in” a new. breed…a breed of texters and Facebook users…who didnt have to go thru the code learning process…at this rate, CW will be dead in 30 years as the older hams who knew code will have died off and the new “breed” will use FT-8 to occupy the bands…I personally think dropping the code requirement was the beginning of the end for our hobby…..Alan NE2X

  6. A.C.W. Ham says

    It is up to us (CW ops) to bring the FT8 ops in from that cold and sterile world. There is so much warmth, comfort, friendship & history in CW as not to be believed. Use OUR creativity as hams to do this and we ALL will be rewarded. This is our DUTY & responsibility. FT8 is getting them to DX on HF and away from the handheld radio.

    To paraphrase a famous American, “We choose to learn CW, WE choose to learn CW and do the other thing. Not because it is EASY, but because it is HARD. Because THAT goal will serve to organize the best of our energies and skills. THAT CHALLENGE is one we are willing to accept and not postpone”.

    By the way a CW renaissance is currently taking place. If you look for it, you’ll find it.
    Keep it going. Get involved and do whatever it takes. CW is worth it.

    For the Love of HamRadio

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